Grab the feel

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011


June 22th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAKARTA! I found so many tweets that dedicated to our beloved city. And also on my BlackBerry Messenger. A lot of my friend also put 'Happy Birthday Jakarta' on their Personal Message. Fyuuuh, Jakarta isn't young anymore. But still. I doooooo loooooveeeeeeeeeee Jakarta. LOL

So, most of you must ask me, "Why did you love Jakarta that much when Jakarta wasn't good enough for your life? The crowded atmosphere, the flood, the pollution, the annoying peoples." Well, pasti kebanyakan dari kalian bakal mikir gitu kan? Tapi, hey. Jakarta enggak seburuk itu kook. Justru masyarakatnya yang bikin citra Jakarta makin buruk di mata dunia.

 Gue lahir di jakarta. Main dari mainan kampung sampe elite di Jakarta. Sekolah di Jakarta. Semuanya di Jakarta. Dan emang sih, dari gue lahir sampe sekarang, Jakarta bukannya tambah baik malah get worse. Huuuh. Tapi(dunno why)justru gue suka sama semua itu. Hahahah. Dari yang baik-baik sampe hal terburuknya. Lah itu kan kota kita, so we must take the risk when we decided to live here, right?
Stop complaining. Cause there were so many reason why we have to love our city:

  1. We were live in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Gak semua orang punya kesempatan tinggal di Jakarta kan?
  2. Kemajuan kota Jakarta juga udah jauh lebih baik daripada di desa. So guys, kalo macet atau apa, yaitu resiko kita. Jelas beda sama yang di desa
  3. Pendidikan yang didapet di Jakarta juga harus di syukurin. Gak mungkin banget kan lo kenal 'apple,' 'blackberry,' atau semacemnya kalo lo msh tinggal di desa?
  4. The fashion, too! I bet you couldn't wear any little-black-dress or maybe tube-dress in village. Pemikiran mereka pun udah beda sama kita
  5. And so many more reason that I couldn't described one by one
Ya intinya. We must be proud of Jakarta, no matter how messy it is. I HEART U, JEKARDAH! Happy gets older! Be better;)

Here it is, I got some pictures of Jakarta that secretly amaze so much...

 Jakarta in the night. Such a cool view!

Jakarta's another fuckin cool view


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